Category Archives: Happiness Tips

We have heard the word alcoholic, people who are addicted to alcohol, shopaholic, people who are addicted to shopping, can we not coin a word ‘breathaholic’ so that we could be addicted to be in the company of our breath? Can we not adore it, love it, and surf with it, give our whole mind […]

If we truly want happiness in life then we need to learn the art of witnessing or distancing ourselves from external situations. If two persons are into a heated argument, and we watch from distance we may be entertained! But if we are into the arguments, we are annoyed and frustrated. Distance gives us scope […]

Eyes are like windows to the world. Eyes cannot see. It is the mind; it is the consciousness that sees through the windows of the eyes. You are the seer. See with the eyes of love and forgiveness, for if you see with the eyes of anger and jealousy, hate and disgust, the physical vision […]

Each day is an opportunity to be more accepting of the unpredictability of life. Acceptance of what is should not be considered as inaction. It is mindful action with empathy and love. After all, if you fight the negative with negative you only drain your energy but if you consciously rise up to each situation […]

Our greatest obstacles and pains are nature’s way to prepare us for our greatest good. Little baby bird tries with all its might to break open the shell of the egg but that happens when the nature decides, and the decision is based on how strong the little wings have become so that the bird […]

Mistakes and failures are the true teachers of life. It is only through mistakes that we learn life lessons, we grow, we mature, and we realize better ways to do things, better methods of success in life. In Western world there is a saying that the manager who is perfect and makes no mistakes is […]

You get bored in life because there is a tendency to get stuck with the same routine and rut of daily life. Do something different today. Something that has nothing to do with “what shall I get in return”! It is always the simplest humble things that you do beyond the routine that lifts your […]

Mysticism is not euphoric. There is a mystic in each one of us. At times we find a glimpse of that. But most often the clouds of negativity cover the light. The more we become a surfer in the ocean of life, not battling with the waves any more but floating through balance, the seed […]

A saying goes, the tiger in the forest does not kill but it is the tiger of the mind that does. Did you watch how many times your mind surrenders to anxieties that consequently prove to be just an apprehension? The more you meditate, the more stress-hormones dissolve, creating a relaxation response and a clear, […]

There is a hidden message from the higher world for everything that happens to your life. Through conditioned mind if you try to decode it you will not go far! You need to quiet your mind to allow the voice of consciousness to speak from within about the reality of any such situations. Practice meditating […]