Category Archives: Happiness Tips

Understand one thing, there is no alternative to self-help. All external help or props create dependence and misery. Your so-called love is one such thing. Invest your emotion in anything other than to your own Atman (Self within), it brings pain. First anchor yourself in the Atman within, first understand the treachery of mind and […]

As you think, so you become, the Rishis, seers of our land gave us all the wisdom that can lead us in every crisis that confronts us. Think thoughts that is filled with love and light, empty yourself of the fears and anxieties that come from unconscious layers of your past mind. Hold on to […]

Take every opportunity to feel grateful to God, to your parents, to everyone who touched your life. Be thankful to those who hurt you, gave you pain, for they cleansed your karma, like a good friend they made you realize life a little deeper. Made you richer in Spirit. Shuddhaanandaa Brhamchari Related posts: No related […]

Anything you do repeatedly, turns into auto-pilot mode, that is, you tend to do it unconsciously. Anything you do unconsciously creates bondage of karma. Karma puts you into cycles of pains and pleasures. Waking from sleep is not awakening. Becoming conscious and mindful of every little act and thought breaks all shackles of karma and […]

The brain registers the negative quicker and retains it longer; this is the human brain. Positive may appeal but it slips off soon. That is the reason with millions of good things in life people grope in the dark lanes of dark memories and feel depressed that compared to others their life is not as […]

There will be many situations that will pop up on their own, but how you react to them decides your consequent mental state that will follow. Keep your calm through practice of meditation or else you will react wrongly and face the consequences. How you respond will depend upon how calm you are not how […]

First heal yourself. First integrate your fragmented self. Collect yourself. Meditation is integration of the splits into the whole. Your split personality that is created by false society needs holistic healing first. You are a spiritual being of light not a fragmented persona. Wake up to your spiritual inheritance and be happy so as to […]

Oh! Lord! You have hidden the greatest treasure of life in the Now, and that is beyond the reach of humanity. You have given us all a world where our mind oscillates between the past and future, and You smile when You see us struggling in life. You want us to see You as the […]