My teaching is not to love God, my teaching is to love. Whom you love is not so relevant: people, animals, birds, trees, music, poetry, painting… What you love — the object of love — is not so important, but that you love is important. And as love increases, slowly, slowly it brings a faith […]
Category Archives: Happiness Mantra
– I don’t divide ordinary life from spiritual life. They are one, they are inseparably one. To separate them is to create a split humanity, a schizophrenic humanity. Life is a unity, an organic unity, indivisible. Nothing is higher and nothing is lower. There is no hierarchy, everything exists simultaneously on the same plane. So […]
Life is such a joy for those who are tender, soft, loving, compassionate, sensitive. Then life itself is proof: in thousands of ways it proves that God is. But to the hard, to the rocklike person, there is no proof for God. God cannot be proven for him because he has no sensitivity to feel. […]
The heart is always true. The heart is never untrue and the head is never true. The head lives in lies, it lives on lies; it exists in all kinds of falsehoods. The heart is authentic: it is sincere, it is simple, it is not cunning. It is tremendously intelligent, but not cunning. It simply […]
A divine voice is always there in the heart, always calling you. But you are not available; you are engaged in mundane affairs, in ordinary things. Your mind is full of unnecessary rubbish, busy without business. So you go on missing the still small voice within. Once the mind is silent, once thoughts disappear, once […]
Remember again and again: seeing the sky, know that you are also the sky; seeing the stars, know that the stars are within you. You are within the sky, the sky is within you. Slowly, slowly, your whole gestalt will change and in that new gestalt small problems can’t arise, they become ridiculous. Somebody has […]
– Man is born only as an opportunity. He has great potential, but remember, a potential is only a potential. It has to be transformed into a reality, it has to be actualized. And great effort is needed. It is an uphill task. One has to be industrious, one cannot attain bliss just by hoping […]
There is an idea that existence is totally indifferent to us. It is not so. This is a stupid idea that has come into the mind of man because of scientific progress. Science has given many blessings to man, but certain curses have also come in the wake of it. It has made man’s body […]
Prayer is not scientific. But meditation is utterly scientific. Just as the scientist watches, observes the objective phenomenon, the meditator watches the psychological phenomenon, It is the same process: a detached watching, unprejudiced observation with no conclusions — because if you have a conclusion already, there is no point in watching. Then you will manage […]
Go in. Rest in your own being and slowly, slowly, as the rest becomes deeper, as your relaxation starts becoming a settled phenomenon, when nothing distracts you, when you become the center of a cyclone, then bliss arises. And of course, a blissful person is a blessing to the world, just as a miserable person […]