Category Archives: Happiness Mantra

Remember your uniqueness! Love yourself, respect yourself, respect your own voice; listen to it and follow it. It is better to go to hell following your own voice than to go to heaven following somebody else’s, because that heaven won’t prove much of a heaven; you will be just a blind follower. Related posts:

Everybody has the seed to become a beautiful flower of love, a lotus. But very few people have been able to become it, for the simple reason that very few people are alert; they can’t discriminate what is what. Watch how many things are pretending to be love. If they are love, they cannot create […]

With ego, life is a misery because if you are rooted in some- thing false you cannot celebrate. Only truth can release the energies of celebration in you. Only truth can become a song in your heart. The ego is the greatest lie: all other lies are by- products of it. And because it is […]

As you go deeper into silence, desires disappear. They exist only on the circumference, like waves existing on the surface. If you dive deep into the ocean, there are no waves. So desires are just on the circumference of consciousness. If you dive deep… The deeper you go, the farther away are desires. Related posts: […]

Become more and more cheerful : don’t miss any opportunity. The same should be done with bliss : never miss an opportunity . There are a thousand and one opportunities every day . Once you are alert you will be surprised how many opportunities you have been missing up to now . At each step […]

Love – that one word contains all that is worth having in life, worth possessing in life. One can forget God and nothing is lost, but if one forgets love, then everything is lost. If love is there, God is bound to happen because God is the ultimate peak of the experience of love. But […]

Life takes on a totally new flavor when you live in totally, intensely, passionately, when you risk. Then great intelligence arises in you. In risking you become sharp like a sword. But the swords of people who never risk go on collecting dust; their mirrors go on collecting dust. Their swords become rusty, useless. And […]