Growth is an uphill task, and this is the greatest challenge. This is the Everest, the highest climb dangerous, hazardous. But the more dangerous it is, the more enchanting, the more intriguing, the more interesting. The more dangerous it is, the more adventure it contains. Related posts: “Never Quit” How do “Positive Affirmations” work to […]
Category Archives: Happiness Mantra
A dance is pure when the dancer dissolves into it, when the dancer is no longer there, when you cannot find the dancer and only the dance remains. That’s what meditation in sannyas is, ecstasy is, and ultimately that’s what existence is. Related posts:
All meditations are devices to bring your fragments together, to melt into each other, to create a kind of oneness in you, to bring a center to your being. Once that center starts growing you will have enough courage to go into the unknown; then you will risk all. And existence asks that you risk […]
Love always gives bliss; it can never give misery. Remember that always, never forget it for a single moment. Related posts: Planning to give up? Take a pause!
The deeper you go, the farther away are desires. At the very center of your being, you completely forget that desires ever existed; they look like dreams, fantasies. That moment is the most exalted moment, the entry into oneself. Then you can come back to the surface but you cannot lose contact with the center. […]
Although a bee gathers honey from many flowers, it never destroys any of the flowers. It is very artful, very gracious. It does not hurt. In fact, the flower feels tremendously joyous when a bee comes to it. It is really a compliment. And the bee is never destructive. It collects whatsoever it needs, but […]
Love, bliss, meditation, truth, all need great strength. One has to be together: ordinarily people are just fragments. There are thousands of pieces, but there is no integrity. To be weak means to be divided, to be undivided is strength. And whenever you are undivided, you literally become an individual: the word individual means indivisible. […]
Never think of God as a person. Think of him only as a presence surrounding the whole existence. And then there is no need to go to any temple, to any statue. Wherever you are, you can bow down in deep love and gratitude, you are connected with God. Whenever your heart is full of […]
Remember your uniqueness! Love yourself, respect yourself, respect your own voice; listen to it and follow it. It is better to go to hell following your own voice than to go to heaven following somebody else’s, because that heaven won’t prove much of a heaven; you will be just a blind follower. Related posts:
If one starts listening to one’s heart, there is no need to listen to any other commandment . Then existence goes on whispering within you and showing you the way . Related posts: