Category Archives: Happiness Mantra

Growth is an uphill task, and this is the greatest challenge. This is the Everest, the highest climb dangerous, hazardous. But the more dangerous it is, the more enchanting, the more intriguing, the more interesting. The more dangerous it is, the more adventure it contains. Related posts: “Never Quit” How do “Positive Affirmations” work to […]

Love, bliss, meditation, truth, all need great strength. One has to be together: ordinarily people are just fragments. There are thousands of pieces, but there is no integrity. To be weak means to be divided, to be undivided is strength. And whenever you are undivided, you literally become an individual: the word individual means indivisible. […]

Remember your uniqueness! Love yourself, respect yourself, respect your own voice; listen to it and follow it. It is better to go to hell following your own voice than to go to heaven following somebody else’s, because that heaven won’t prove much of a heaven; you will be just a blind follower. Related posts: