A divine voice is always there in the heart, always calling you. But you are not available; you are engaged in mundane affairs, in ordinary things. Your mind is full of unnecessary rubbish, busy without business. So you go on missing the still small voice within. Once the mind is silent, once thoughts disappear, once […]
Category Archives: Happiness Mantra
Man needs integration, an integration of all the fragments into one whole, into one harmony. And that is the whole effort of religion. The very word religion means that which binds you together. That’s exactly the meaning of yoga too; yoga means union. Religion and yoga are synonymous. When you become crystallized, when you become […]
Be happy with the whole universe, with every flower, and with every river and with every rock and every star. Become one with this continuous eternal celebration. Related posts: No related posts.
Prayer is all over space. The stars are prayerful, the trees are prayerful the oceans are prayerful. Except for man, the whole of existence is always in a state of prayer; only man needs to move toward it consciously. And it is for a certain reason: man is the only conscious animal, hence he has […]
The moment one starts seeking and searching for oneself, one becomes the blessed one. The inquiry itself is the beginning of the transformation. The more passionate the inquiry is, the sooner the transformation will come. Make it intense, make it total. Related posts: No related posts.
Prepare the way for existence to come in; be ready to receive the sun, the light. The only thing that is needed is to become more and more aware, less and less in the mind and more and more outside the mind, watching it, not getting involved. Just become a detached observer. That’s exactly the […]
There is nothing more valuable than meditation. The people who have not tasted meditation are the poorest in the world. They may have all the riches, but they are still beggars because they have not yet known the real treasure – the treasure that cannot be destroyed by death, the treasure that cannot be taken […]
To be spontaneously loving, naturally loving, is to be religious. Religion has nothing to do with worshipping Jesus or Buddha or Krishna. It has nothing to do with chanting mantras, it has nothing to do with all kinds of rituals being done in the churches and the temples. It has nothing to do with all […]
Don’t keep yourself separate. Seeing a rose, become the rose. Seeing the sunset, be lost in it. Don’t remain aloof, cold. Don’t remain just a spectator, become a participant. Seeing the sky full of stars, become part of it, a small star. But participate in the dance. To me that’s what religion is: dissolving oneself […]
If we can see the beauty, if we can experience the joy, the dance of the stars and the trees and the wind and the rain, we will not ask such stupid questions as: “what is God?” and “where is God?” and “Does God exist or not?” we will know that this beauty is God, […]