Whenever you have time, at any moment, relax and go in. Forget the whole world for a moment, as if it does not exist. Thinking that the world consists only of illusions and is one of the ancient strategies.. Forget all about it, let it disappear and go into your aloneness. It is only there […]
Category Archives: Happiness Mantra
Seek godliness through beauty, the beauty of everything. Let that become your inquiry. Worship beauty, rejoice in beauty. And when you worship beauty and rejoice in beauty, you start becoming beautiful. Truth and good will follow. If one can attain one out of the three, the other two automatically come along. Related posts: No related […]
One needs to be blissful for godliness to enter your being, because unless you are dancing and singing and celebrating, you are not ready for godliness. Godliness is celebration, godliness is a dance, godliness is a song. Godliness cannot happen to people who are sad and serious, godliness cannot happen to miserable people. Misery makes […]
Bliss has a luminosity of its own. Misery is dark, bliss is bright. The miserable person casts a shadow on others too. He comes like a black hole, he sucks people’s energy; his very presence is destructive. But the presence of a blissful person is creative, nourishing. It showers light on others. It is a […]
Unless your heart sings and dances you are not really living, you are only dragging: fulfilling certain duties, going through certain rituals, somehow managing and maintaining a facade. But deep inside, there is emptiness and a great trembling because one knows in the deepest part of the heart that life is not yet fulfilled, that […]
God is oceanic, infinite, unbounded. We have fallen apart from God because we have become identified with boundaries, with the boundaries of the body and the boundaries of the mind. Those boundaries are keeping us away. Just get rid of the boundaries. I’m not saying to get rid of your body; the body is perfectly […]
The body may be ordinary: homely, and yet it may have a soul which is beyond comprehension, body may be very beautiful and may be utterly empty, with no soul at all. This will happen many times in your life; you will come across beautiful people who have no souls at all and you will […]
Each moment is so inestimably valuable , each moment is such a gift that one cannot be thankful enough for it.There is no way to show our gratitude to existence . Its gift is of such immense proportions that we don’t really deserve it . Existence has given out of its abundance . Knowing this […]
The moment one starts seeking and searching for oneself, one becomes the blessed one. The inquiry itself is the beginning of the transformation. The more passionate the inquiry is, the sooner the transformation will come. Make it intense, make it total. Related posts: No related posts.
Each moment is so inestimably valuable , each moment is such a gift that one cannot be thankful enough for it. There is no way to show our gratitude to existence . Its gift is of such immense proportions that we don’t really deserve it . Existence has given out of its abundance . Knowing […]