Category Archives: Happiness Mantra

Life is a miracle . In fact there is no explanation for it , for why it should be . Neither the philosopher nor the theologian , nor even the scientist , has been able to explain why life should exist at all . And I don’t think it is ever going to be explained […]

Life is an opportunity, an opportunity to realize yourself. It is possible to miss it, and many do; only a few very rare people fulfill it. Those few who fulfill it are the ones who enter their inner world. To go on remaining concerned about money, power and prestige is a sheer wastage. One’s primary […]

OSHO - I Say Unto You Never Choose

The deeper you go, the farther away are desires. At the very center of your being, you completely forget that desires ever existed; they look like dreams, fantasies. That moment is the most exalted moment, the entry into oneself. Then you can come back to the surface but you cannot lose contact with the center. […]


As you go deeper into silence, desires disappear. They exist only on the circumference, like waves existing on the surface. If you dive deep into the ocean, there are no waves. So desires are just on the circumference of consciousness. If you dive deep… The deeper you go, the farther away are desires. Related posts: […]

Meditation releases great creativity. It is an explosion; all your seeds start sprouting. For the first time, you see how much potential you were carrying within yourself: a great garden with so many flowers, such beautiful bushes and trees and so many birds singing… A whole paradise! But we are not ordinarily aware of it. […]

A Sannyasin learning energy healing from Swami Chaitanya Keerti

Remember that one is divine,  If it becomes a constant remembrance just like an undercurrent in you, then nothing else is needed. And it is only a question of remembering that you are divine. You can be divine only in a divine existence.  We are part of one organic unity. Related posts: No related posts.

Go in. Rest in your own being and slowly, slowly, as the rest becomes deeper, as your relaxation starts becoming a settled phenomenon, when nothing distracts you, when you become the center of a cyclone, then bliss arises. And of course, a blissful person is a blessing to the world, just as a miserable person […]


Remember your uniqueness! Love yourself, respect yourself, respect your own voice; listen to it and follow it. It is better to go to hell following your own voice than to go to heaven following somebody else’s, because that heaven won’t prove much of a heaven; you will be just a blind follower. Related posts: No […]