Category Archives: Happiness Mantra

Courage is the greatest religious quality, everything else is secondary. You cannot be truthful if you are not courageous. You cannot be loving if you are not courageous. You cannot be trusting if you are not courageous. You cannot inquire into reality if you are not courageous; hence courage comes first and everything else follows. […]

Science can never be a shelter for man. It can give you more comfort, convenience, a better standard of living, but it cannot give you a better quality of life — that is impossible. That can happen only through religion because religion helps you to feel at home, it gives you something certain to live […]

Wisdom is not knowledge, it is conquering the unconscious, it is full of light. Not even islands of darkness are left in it. When your being is full of light, whether you possess anything or not does not matter, you are kingly. A wise man is naturally kingly. He may be a beggar, but he […]

Growth is an uphill task, and this is the greatest challenge. This is the Everest, the highest climb dangerous, hazardous. But the more dangerous it is, the more enchanting, the more intriguing, the more interesting. The more dangerous it is, the more adventure it contains. Related posts: No related posts.

The person who lives in the moment lives a vertical life – he grows in depth. And the deeper you go, the higher you rise. It is just like a tree: the roots go deep in the ground and the tree goes high in the sky; the deeper the roots, the higher the tree. It […]

Alertness , awareness, meditativeness are the foundations which will make a radical change in your consciousness . You will not become more informed, but you will become totally transformed with a totally new kind of consciousness: The main aim is to transform not just to inform! Related posts: No related posts.

OSHO - I Say Unto You Never Choose

Knowledge is available from the outside. Knowing needs an inner purification. Knowledge is information, knowing is your capacity to see, to understand. Knowledge never transforms anybody. It can make you a great scholar, but to be a scholar is to be nothing but a parrot. The scholar simply repeats: he is a gramophone record, neither […]

Whenever you are emptied of the ego, something of the beyond rushes in and immediately fills your inner vacuum. That rush of energy from the beyond is existence. Meditation makes the the beyond. way for the rush of the beyond. Seeing it, one allows it to drop; seeing the futility and the misery that it […]

Meditation is a way of surrendering the ego. Meditation is surrender, the very essence of surrender. Ordinarily we cling to our egos: in every possible way we try to prove the ego. Meditation means we drop the whole trip, we drop the whole number. We are no longer interested in proving the ego because we […]