Category Archives: Happiness Mantra

Meditation, prayer and all other techniques are just a help to remember who you are. The moment you have remembered, recognized your reality, you don’t have any desires because all is fulfilled. All that you ever needed is already available. Existence has given it to you from the very beginning. Existence does not make beggars, […]

The moment one starts seeking and searching for oneself, one becomes the blessed one. The inquiry itself is the beginning of the transformation. The more passionate the inquiry is, the sooner the transformation will come. Make it intense, make it total. Related posts: No related posts.

As you go higher in love,your life becomes more and more significant. More songs start happening in your heart; more ecstasies are born. In the ultimate sense of love, when it is godly, you are just a lotus flower releasing its fragrance, its ecstasy. Then there is no death, no time, no mind; then you […]

Every morning is a mini – birth , a new birth , and you have to praise existence – it has given you another day . We are not worthy , we have wasted yesterday , all the yesterdays . But it is generous , it has given us one more chance to try again […]