Category Archives: Happiness Mantra

Love – that one word contains all that is worth having in life, worth possessing in life. One can forget God and nothing is lost, but if one forgets love, then everything is lost. If love is there, God is bound to happen because God is the ultimate peak of the experience of love. But […]

Life takes on a totally new flavor when you live in totally, intensely, passionately, when you risk. Then great intelligence arises in you. In risking you become sharp like a sword. But the swords of people who never risk go on collecting dust; their mirrors go on collecting dust. Their swords become rusty, useless. And […]

To be spontaneously loving, naturally loving, is to be religious. Religion has nothing to do with worshipping Jesus or Buddha or Krishna. It has nothing to do with chanting mantras, it has nothing to do with all kinds of rituals being done in the churches and the temples. It has nothing to do with all […]