The Gopis of Brindavan lived true and supreme love. They would do everything that was mundane, taking care of husbands, children, family, but their heart was given only to Krishna. That is the way to the ultimate state of love. To them whatever pleased Krishna was good. Even when Krishna left Brindavan, they lived the […]

The more we dwell on the thoughts of the Divine play in this world, the more we feel a sense of peace and calm for we can realize that everything is happening as it aught to happen.  The higher intelligence (God) is always working to take us to our next state of evolution and seeking […]

In this birth we have to move from the outer world of manifestations to the inner world of silence and beatitude. As such the world is not outside, it is a projection of our consciousness. Meditation, prayerfulness, gratitude, devotion, they transform our lower mind to higher mind where only unity in diversity prevails. Let not […]

We need to be like a sunflower. Always facing the sun. Whatever be the external situation let your awareness be one with the Mother’s Divine Will. Let mundane chores of daily life not become unconscious repetition, but steps toward higher consciousness, beyond all worries and tensions, to the world of peace and blessedness. Shuddhaanandaa Brahamchari […]