The modern cellular biologists are totally convinced that it is not the DNA or genes that we inherit from parents, which decide how we function, but it is “environment” which is the decider. Hence cells can be reprogrammed. It is our thoughts and beliefs that creates the “environment”. This is a revolutionary finding that comes […]
Happy Ho organizes best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR area in India. Related posts: No related posts.
“Time has no purpose except to realise our finiteness”. Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.
Your boss was hard on you by not giving you the promotion you deserved. But you don’t have to be hard on yourself. Here are five ways to bounce back when a deeply wanted promotion is lost.
“The virtual is overwhelming if the actual is underwhelming”. Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.
We have heard the word alcoholic, people who are addicted to alcohol, shopaholic, people who are addicted to shopping, can we not coin a word ‘breathaholic’ so that we could be addicted to be in the company of our breath? Can we not adore it, love it, and surf with it, give our whole mind […]
Mulla: What an amazingly BRAVE girl! She won a medal in-spite of the fact that the minister wished her luck…!!
If we truly want happiness in life then we need to learn the art of witnessing or distancing ourselves from external situations. If two persons are into a heated argument, and we watch from distance we may be entertained! But if we are into the arguments, we are annoyed and frustrated. Distance gives us scope […]
“If you can deal with dearth, you will save the earth”. Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.
“If there is space in the heart, there will be room in the mind”. Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.