Let us pray and meditate on the power of Light to dispel the gloom of all the inhumane happenings around the world. Let us not nurture hate or fear in our minds for those who are committing these acts who are blind to the higher truth of love and compassion. They don’t need our hate. […]

The only way that you can be happy in life is to be less judgmental and more appreciative. Take every opportunity to appreciate and thank the other. Criticisms drain you, gratitude fills you. The way is simply being a true witness to your thoughts and emotions. Being aware. Being conscious. Being mindful. You will see […]

Stress is inevitable in life. It is the side effect of moving out from your inner world to the outer and feeding the ego rather than the soul. It is attitudinal. A negative programming of the brain about life in general. Mindfulness, meditation, prayerfulness and gratitude are the tools to change a negative attitude to […]

Thoughts create or destroy our worlds. Thoughts have infinite power. It is by thought we can heal ourselves or create sickness for body-mind. Live life with thoughts of divine consciousness, and your whole being will be gradually flooded with the light of God. Happiness, peace and harmony will emanate out of you and touch others […]