All conflicts are rooted in concepts and notions of mind. Spirituality is the path to reach a point with zero concepts. Nothing is defined. Everything is everything. Everything is nothing and everything. Beyond set ideas and notions of mind is a space where only a few have reached so far. Rest are struggling to prove […]

Your wellbeing is all important. If you are well, all is well. To enjoy wellness and wellbeing, you need to investigate within what causes ill-being. What causes your disease and depressions? Once you know the root, go deep and work on them. You don’t have to fight illness. You have to have the right mindset […]

Body ages, you don’t age. You are the knower of the false notion of body ageing or body dying. Let me know who else other than your deep contemplation can gift you this *awakening*? Intellectual understanding is only a pointer. Practice of meditation is the process, *awakening* is natural outcome out of Grace of Mother Divine […]