Never expect the other to tell you how much they love you or care for you, let that step be always your privilege, your gift to your loved ones, to your God in them! Related posts: “Never Quit” Are you a “quick fix” addict?
Author Archives: Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa
Keep your feet always touching the ground, and let your soul, your aspiring Mind soar high in the world of non attachment and surrender so that you can experience the reality that nothing belongs to you but You belong to the Divine Mother. Related posts: Raise a toast to your DREAMS in the New Year! […]
When you start counting your blessings you are trying to count the stars in the sky! Related posts: Why anger is called “temporary madness” Are your dreams making you impatient? Looking Forward to…. Renewal – Review by Ben Foster, Director Nebsly Media, UK Not so perfect? Never mind!!
If you talk to someone feel love and compassion in your heart, talk only to heal and never to hurt. Whatever you give comes back to you! Love only Love! Related posts: Self–Talk: The most important conversation of your life! “Never Quit” Planning to give up? Take a pause!
Each one of us are continually receiving vibrations of infinite wisdom and support from higher worlds and astral Masters, the only thing missing is our attention, our matching frequencies. Meditation and a soulful life, mindful life, boosts our vibrations to a higher level, and helps us trust in our own self first, and feed our […]
Let your life be your life, when you are on a driver’s seat. If you live to please all, you will remain unhappy whatever your achievements are ! Love and gratitude! Related posts: Selfish means someone who has found meaning of self
You may not need God but you can’t live without love, compassion and forgiveness. Related posts: The Benefits of Meditation How to be less anxious? Looking Forward to….
The sages say when the disciple is ready master comes. In this vibratory world attracts like. It is disciple’s earnestness and preparedness which is like a blossom which attracts not flies but honey bees. Related posts:
Life is all about taking every challenge as a learning tool to upgrade oneself and be successful! Related posts: Are you averse to risk-taking? Adversity, the best teacher! Itchy Chair Motivation… Planning to give up? Take a pause! Are you not able to spot your talent?
The Lord of the Universe is protecting us all the time. Loving us all the time. Mind dipped in ignorance can only think and feel the mundane repetitive thoughts and emotions, but go a little deeper, there the Lord is waiting for you to fill you with bliss of the celestial sound of His flute. […]