Author Archives: Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa

I have seen the most sufferance in human life is due to emotional attachment to something or someone. Spirituality brings that dimension of awaking that every attachment today or tomorrow will lead to pain and sufferance, but if we are attached to the Divine in everything and everyone, we are assured of the ultimate happiness […]

Spirituality is nothing to do with any form of artificiality. It is our natural most state, when the need for faking drops, when the need for appreciation is least, when fear dissolves, positive aura surrounds and you live your existential truth as the simple art of living. That is what is soulful life or spiritual […]

Try this! When no one is around, and you are doing some simple daily chores of your life, just smile, bring some wonderful memory of fun, and continue to smile. Then finish the work and stand before a mirror, look into your smiling face; you are face to face with yourself. Just affirm that in […]

To many, life is a repetitive chore, a series of rituals and most often monotonous after a point. This is because whatever you do repetitively, becomes habitual, a pattern, and it tends to make you do things without you being aware of it. This further leads into unconsciousness. Unmindfulness. You start to feel that there […]

All resistance to life situations is your subconscious program in blind operation. Till the unconscious patterns are changed not much changes. Meditation, mindfulness in daily life changes your inner patterns and builds spiritual immunity to combat all upheavals and challenges of life. Smile and move on ….. Related posts: No related posts.

Most of us get into autopilot mode in our day-to-day life and lead a life of mindlessness. Anything you do again and again gets into auto mode! Even your daily worship or meditation. Spiritual awakening wants us to wake up, rephrase our thoughts and rewire our brain so that we can see through the changing […]