Author Archives: Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa

The more I see the world the more I am convinced that from earliest childhood we need to be inducted into a spiritual life that transcends all religious dogmas. That structures a brain that can continually generate positive and calm vibrations of core values of love and gratitude. That alone can change the world into […]

Spiritual practice is not about your happiness, your siddhi. It is about yourrealising that you can make others happy only when you are happy. As youpractice being conscious of your breaths and develop a calmer mind you willnaturally become more empathetic and loving. Forgiving is no longer an act ofbenevolence. It is an act of […]

Two eyes can see two and many, the One is hidden!!Mindfulness and efforts to live life with awareness of the One gradually removes the cataract and the third eye opens. This is one eye. The eye of Wisdom. The eye of unity vision. Yogic vision. World remains with all its fleeting drama ofcontinual changes. But […]

Let there be moments of non-doing and witnessing the mind-body-breath in its own flow. Urge to do comes from habits. Unplug from the panic stricken world and plug into your inner Witness, Sakshi; in its non-doing state and remain in pure surrender and subjective experience of Divine and remain in pure surrender and subjective experience […]

They say change your thoughts and all are changed! But thoughts have their own default system. It runs in its own crazy patterns as we programmed them for ages! Of course, you can change your breathing patterns just by mindful breathing. Change your breaths thoughts change automatically. Related posts: No related posts.