To be tied to the same persons, same situations, same places, same resentments and same anxieties and fears, is a proof that you are emotionally bonded to them. This is your reality created out of past interactions. Now, until you can withdraw this huge investment of your energy and emotions in your past bonding, you […]
Author Archives: Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa
If you are alert and mindful then you will not chase happiness and pleasures, for they eventually bring pain. Sooner we shift our focus from external happiness to inner awakening better for us. At the end of the day, your anchor in your inner divinity brings calm peace to your life. Related posts: No related […]
Your body’s defense system (immunity) to fight back any virus or germ and keep you free of any disease depends upon your *mind state*. If you meditate and practice yoga, have healthy food and don’t ingest through your senses negative energy, if your mind is trained to nurture thoughts and feeling of love, compassion, inspiration, […]
Health and happiness are all about a calm state of mind and clarity in thoughts. “Neurons that fire together wire together”. Any thought we think compulsively creates a habitual pattern and we are bound by its contents. It is important to watch and keep check on this Mind game! ~~Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa Related posts: No related […]
The more we realise that our happiness depends not so much on externals but at a deeper level in our *thoughts and feelings*, the more we will research on how to change our thoughts, born out of reactive or responsive fields, and work diligently on creating a new mindset that is healthy and harmonious. This […]
Don’t always keep your mind busy with the routine repetition of daily life. Your inner world waits for you to explore the infinite potentials, lying untapped, un-discovered. Imagine your whole body runs automatically from breathing to beating of heart, from digestion to assimilation, but the more anxious and worried you are, more fear and negativity […]
Controlling your mind is difficult, but you can slow down your mind, feel the connection to your body, your presence, by simple observation of your natural breathing. If you keep company of your breaths, you will see that whenever you are peaceful your breaths are slow and deep and rhythmic. You can voluntarily create the […]
From time to time during your daily routine just stop, ask yourself am I awake? If you were doing the same thing the same way as you did in the past then you were repeating the past. You were in the past, both your body and mind. To be in the past is to be […]
The real challenge of life is managing the unconscious. It is processing millions and millions more bites of data than the conscious mind can do, but in the womb of this sub-conscious lies the hidden treasure that we all are searching life after life. We can manifest true benediction into our life provided we evoke […]
Imagine if each one of us starts spending more time with our breath without any control, just observing with mindfulness; what a miracle can happen to us at an individual level and naturally at the collective level? Are we all too busy nurturing forgetfulness (opposite of mindfulness) of our very Life Line? Isn’t it true […]