Author Archives: shivani


Prayer is not scientific. But meditation is utterly scientific. Just as the scientist watches, observes the objective phenomenon, the meditator watches the psychological phenomenon, It is the same process: a detached watching, unprejudiced observation with no conclusions — because if you have a conclusion already, there is no point in watching. Then you will manage […]


Nagesh Alai

Go in. Rest in your own being and slowly, slowly, as the rest becomes deeper, as your relaxation starts becoming a settled phenomenon, when nothing distracts you, when you become the center of a cyclone, then bliss arises. And of course, a blissful person is a blessing to the world, just as a miserable person […]

Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa

As your thoughts create your feelings you can change your feelings by rephrasing your thoughts. Thinking a negative possibility can create negative emotions, which affects your health, breaking your immune system. You become susceptible to viruses or germs. Mindfulness meditation empowers you to filter your thoughts through sheer observation as sakshi. You can think positively […]