Author Archives: Osho

A dance is pure when the dancer dissolves into it, when the dancer is no longer there, when you cannot find the dancer and only the dance remains. That’s what meditation in sannyas is, ecstasy is, and ultimately that’s what existence is. Related posts: The Benefits of Meditation Meditation – A mantra for inner peace!

Ordinarily man is unconscious . Just a small part has become conscious , a very tiny part , very flickering . Any moment , if there is any small incident you will be unconscious . Somebody treads on your toes and you are unconscious ; somebody hits you and you are unconscious ; somebody insults […]

Remember your uniqueness! Love yourself, respect yourself, respect your own voice; listen to it and follow it. It is better to go to hell following your own voice than to go to heaven following somebody else’s, because that heaven won’t prove much of a heaven; you will be just a blind follower. Related posts: Planning […]

All meditations are devices to bring your fragments together, to melt into each other, to create a kind of oneness in you, to bring a center to your being. Once that center starts growing you will have enough courage to go into the unknown; then you will risk all. And existence asks that you risk […]

The Mediocre man lives according to others; the intelligent person is one who lives according to his own light. Whatsoever the risk, he is capable of taking it because he relies on his own intelligence. He knows that the greater the challenge, the greater will be his intelligence; hence he accepts challenges. He lives in […]

All meditations are devices to bring your fragments together, to melt into each other, to create a kind of oneness in you, to bring a center to your being. Once that center starts growing you will have enough courage to go into the unknown; then you will risk all. And existence asks that you risk […]

The most important thing to remember in life is that God loves us, that he has not forsaken us, that he is not indifferent to us, that he is continuously concerned about us, that he cares. The deeper this idea enters your heart the better because when you start feeling more and more loved by […]

Knowledge is easy and cheap. One can accumulate as much as one wants, and one can take it from others. But wisdom is costly, very precious.  One has to pay for it with great effort, awareness, meditativeness. Nobody can give it to you and nobody can take it away from you, It is absolutely your […]