Author Archives: Jwalant Swaroop

The sages say when the disciple is ready the master comes. In this vibratory world like attracts like. It is the disciple’s earnestness and preparedness that is like a blossom that attracts not flies but honeybees. A great Himalayan master said false and unprepared teachers are like hedges of a flower garden. The unprepared disciples […]

Mind is like your child; it may want whatever it sees, or do funny things if it is not groomed properly, it may become a problem child. You may think something or someone is the cause of all your worries, but as such it is your worrisome mind that is the cause. Proper diet, timely […]

I see everything is worship of God as long as we can be conscious of our thinking, acting and doing anchored in our Being. It is our perception of doership that fuels the illusion of separation from God, and eventual crowding of temples and churches, mosques and synagogues. All these institutions thrive for the simple […]

In deep sleep we are dipped into utter silence, it rejuvenates us; the world does not enter there. Only silence. If you truly want to feel the non-dependent happiness then you have to practice meditation that alone can take you to that wordless silent center of your Being which is also the library of infinite […]

The Teacher only shows you the way, points to your final destination, helps you, guides you, but the journey is yours, the agonies and ecstasies are yours. It is all your commitment to translate his words into your realization. But as you sincerely practice, the Teacher’s energy starts to permeate your body-mind; gradually you start […]

For a sincere seeker of God, what matters is God. What matters is the deep experience of mind soaked in God love. Everything else however satisfying looses its shine, what shines in the cave of heart is unconditional love and pure ecstasy of being in the presence of eternal Beloved with the flute and dance. […]

Mantra yoga is the time tested surest way to divinize body and mind. You can chant any mantra that appeals to your heart though Guru mantra is most effective as it comes with the spark of Guru’s divinity. The core is your yearning and longing for divine life. Mantra is the sound form of God. […]

Ego separates, it thrives in selfishness. When anyone forgets the higher purpose then acts and thoughts are driven by I-me-mine syndrome. As one matures, sees the footprints of the Sages on the sand of time, with devotion learns their teachings and applies them, then true growth happens. Rest all are ego trips. Ego binds, fetters. […]