To be loving is to be religious. To be in real love with existence is to be in prayer. There is no need to go into the scriptures and no need to learn theology; no need to ponder over stupid nonsense called philosophy. There is no need. One has to love the flowers and the […]
Category Archives: Happiness Mantra
Knowledge is easy and cheap. One can accumulate as much as one wants, one can it from others. But wisdom is costly, very precious. One has to pay for it with great effort, awareness, meditativeness. Nobody can give it to you and nobody can take it away from you, It is absolutely your individual effort […]
Love needs great courage. In fact, nothing needs more courage than love because the basic requirement of love is to die as an ego. Only when you dissolve your ego does love start flowing in you. The ego is the barrier and it needs guts to drop it. One clings, one thinks that one is […]
We are all carrying a star of infinite beauty within ourselves. We are stars. Of course, we are surrounded by much smoke and clouds and if one looks from the outside, nothing of the star can be found. The function of meditation is to penetrate through these dark clouds that surround you, and to reach […]
Knowledge is available from the outside. Knowing needs an inner Purification. Knowledge is information, knowing is your capacity to see, to understand. Knowledge never transforms anybody. It can make you a great scholar, but to be a scholar is to be nothing but a parrot. The scholar simply repeats: he is a gramophone record, neither […]
One needs a house, one needs food, one needs money and one needs clothes; one should pay attention to all these things, but they should not become all and everything. Some space, some time should be given to the inner exploration. That’s what I call meditation: sitting with yourself, being with yourself, available to your […]
We are born with infinite wisdom, but we go on losing our wisdom in collecting knowledge. Knowledge is rubbish; it is mundane, it is trivia. We go on giving away the precious for the absolutely meaningless. Become ignorant again of so-called knowledge. Unburden yourself of knowledge, unlearn it and the moment all knowledge has been […]
The moment one starts seeking and searching for oneself, one becomes the blessed one. The inquiry itself is the beginning of the transformation. The more passionate the inquiry is, the sooner the transformation will come. Make it intense, make it total. Related posts: No related posts.
We are born with a great treasure, so vast, so great that it is inexhaustible. But we live in utter poverty because we never dig within our own being. We go on looking everywhere else. It is the strangest thing about man that he searches and seeks everywhere – he is ready to go to […]
One needs to be industrious; one needs to accept challenges which provoke one for the upward journey. It is hard, it is dangerous, but it brings out the best in you. It creates integrity, ultimately it creates a soul in you. George Gurdjieff used to say that not everybody is born with a soul. He […]