Vanita Keswani

Vanita Keswani


Vanita Keswani has always been driven to help others, spread happiness and transform suffering into joy. She has had an inherent strong passion to serve unconditionally. She started serving peoples’ spiritual journey when she became a Nicherin Daishonin Budhhist practitioner and leader in 2015. She imbibed the law of cause and effect in her own life and spread the wisdom of taking full responsibility for whatever happens in one life rather blaming the environment or others. She helped transform many many lives through this practise and grew the community. She got a further spiritual calling in 2019 to become an energy healer and became an advanced Pranic Healer. Soon after in 2020, she embraced the Tao wisdom and soul teachings of Dr & Master Zhi Gang Sha, and ever since has advanced by leaps and bounds in her spiritual and healing journey.

Personally what transformed Vanita the most are the soul teachings of Master Sha – Tao Science that explains spirituality in a scientific manner, the law of “Shen QI Jing” (Soul heart mind body information system), soul communication, and soul level forgiveness practise. She has been able to transform one of the most negative situations around her own close relationship with consistent and deep forgiveness through soul communication.

“Heal the soul first; then healing of the mind and body will follow.” – Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha

Learn more about Master Sha here.

Tao means the Ultimate Creator, the Source of everyone and everything. All Tao healing modalities work at the soul level (unlike energy level healing modalities). It allows healing to happen more quickly by directly addressing the root cause of the imbalance: the soul. And all Tao healing modalities bring the high vibration and frequency of Tao (or Source) to help the recipient release blockages and transform their soul, heart, mind, and body.

Vanita Keswani is a certified Tao Healing Hands practitioner, Tao Song and Dance practitioner as well as a Kuan Yin Lineage Holder from Tao Academy.

As a Tao Healing Hands practitioner, Vanita can help prevent and heal illness, create harmony in relationships, enhance finances and business, and guide you to fulfilling your true potential. Everyone and everything have a frequency and vibration, and with the high frequency and vibration of Tao Healing Hands, you can transform negative messages that cause challenges in every aspect of life to positive, healing messages. Tao Healing Hands work because they carry the Tao qualities of unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, light, and more.

Further, we know that sound healing is real. Scientific research shows that certain frequencies can help heal various conditions as well as promote and effect positive changes in cell activity and many physiological functions. We also know that higher frequencies have greater healing power and lower frequencies can serve to create more stress, disharmony, etc.Sound healing can come in many forms (music, toning, an emitted frequency from a machine, etc.), but what do we have with us at all times? Our voice. Our soul. Our song.We also have a connection to Source that we can learn to draw upon and bring through our song and dance. This is what Master Sha calls Tao Song, Tao Dance.

As a Tao Song and Tao Dance practitioner, Vanita can infuse high frequencies, vibrations, positive information, energy and matter of Tao Source that can heal and positively shift your fields, challenges, or requests through Song and Dance – sacred sound and movement.

Last but not the least, as a Kuan Yin Lineage Holder, Vanita can offer powerful and profound blessings. Learn more about Kuan Yin, the Buddha of compassion here.

Vanita views her life as being a journey of increasing her soul power and and serving others to do the same.